How Many Days Can A Woman Get Pregnant After Her Period


 According to healthline It's not common for a woman to get pregnant so soon after her menstruation ends. However, pregnancy is far less likely in the first week after a woman has her period compared to the first few days or week of the menstrual cycle.

CleverLandClinic reports that a woman can become pregnant at any point during her menstrual cycle if she has sexual contact without using contraception, including during and immediately following her period. At particular times of the menstrual cycle, women are at their most fertile and therefore most likely to become pregnant.

Three to five days after your cycle has stopped are potentially fertile days. The likelihood of falling pregnant soon after a period depends on several factors, including the length of your menstrual cycle and the length of your period. Fertile days may begin as early as a few days after menstruation ends in women with lengthy cycles.

For women with short menstrual cycles, such as 22 days, ovulation can occur within a few days of the end of the period. Viable cervical mucus can keep sperm alive for up to seven days. Since this is the case, it has been suggested that women who ovulate earlier than typical may have a greater chance of becoming pregnant.

A woman may become pregnant right after her period ends if her cycle is erratic.

Best Food To Eat Before Making Love For Better Performance


One of the areas where some couples have challenge in their relationship is the aspect of lovemaking. While some couples have a healthy intimacy history due to the activities that take place in their lives before lovemaking, others feel otherwise because of certain things that are missing in their lives. The difference lies in what they take or do before the act.

Inasmuch supplements can be taken before making out to boost performance during lovemaking, according to the results of medical research revealed by WebMD in a publication, the following foods can boost performance and enhance satisfaction when taken before intimacy,

1. Fatty fish. Fatty fish like mackerel, sardine, salmon among others contain his level of Omega-3s. Omega-3 is one of the components that makes healthy lovemaking possible.

Fatty fish. Source  WebMD)

2. Strawberries. They are high in Vitamin C irrespective of how they are packaged (whether dipped in chocolate or dressed with cream). They boost blood flow, ease stress as well as enhances drive for lovemaking.

3. Avocado. It contains Vitamin B6 plus healthy fats and fibre that are healthy for the heart to give extra energy when men having carnal knowledge of their partners.

Avocado. Source || WebMD

4. Watermelon. Aside the sweet taste it has, it contains large amount of amino acid known as citrulline. The citrulline is turned into arginine, a form of amino acid that aids the relaxation of the blood vessels. Medical experts added that, it does same work that Viagra perform to treat ED among men.


5. Pomegranates. According to medical history, aside pomegranate being known to be a fruit for fertility, it also perform the function of enhancing performance during lovemaking, not excluding the raising of the level of testosterone in men.

Pomegranates. Source WebMD

6. Spinach. Even though it may not appear attractive, it is a kind of vegetable that can boost one drive for intimacy. It contains magnesium which is a substance that can increase desire and satisfaction.

7. Tea or coffee. Coffee or tea is specially essential before lovemaking because of the high level of caffeine that it has. It is particularly helpful to men because, it makes them perform better during the act of intimacy.

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