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Health Education

 Health Education

About 90% of heart attack occur early in the morning and it can be reduced if you take one or two glass of water before going to bed at night

We know water is important but never know special time one has to drink it

DID YOU ??? Drinking water at the night right time maximize it effectiveness on the human body

1, Glass of water after waking up help to activate internal organs 

2, Glass of water 30 minutes before a meal help digestion

3, Glass of water before taking a beth help lower your blood pressure

4, Glass of water before going to bed avoid stroke or heart attack

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Nigerian Economist and Director General Of World Trade Organization, WTO, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala

  Nigerianewslite Nigerian Economist and Director General Of World Trade Organization, WTO, Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala has reacted after Simon ...

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