Apostle Joshua Selman Drops New Prophecy About Change Power


 Eternity Network International founder and senior pastor Apostle Joshua Selman preached a message titled "Engaging The Light." At the 2023 Word and Prayer Conference, During his speech, he predicted a change in leadership and touched on other key elements of the shadow world.

The existence of darkness, according to Apostle Joshua Selman, is always indicative of the presence of evil. When it's dark outside, it's harder to see, takes longer to move around, and makes it harder to tell who you really are.

His interpretation of the prophecy was, "Where there is darkness, there must be a change of power." You will no longer have any moral sway in society. Therefore, I declare a new government under the Name that is Greater than Any Other Name. power over one's possessions and one's environment; the capacity to command the respect of one's peers.
